You know how it feels when someone really ‘gets you’. They get you more than you know yourself sometimes. They know when you are being true to yourself and when you are not. They know when it is time for a new set of clothes, even when you are hanging onto the old ones that […]
Our natural state is to grow and expand. Our soul wants and longs for this. Why are we so resistant to giving our soul what it really wants? Why do we get stuck in a bog of apathy? Is it because the fear we feel is so sticky that we don’t seem able to lift […]
There are four core things that I think enable Living Your Life with Purpose. Connecting with your heart and soul in every moment possible so that you can open your dam, fill your well and overflow into the world. This means allowing vulnerability. Becoming aware of your innate gifts and living them. Finding your hidden theme for your life purpose which […]
When we are really thriving, on some level, there is an awareness of our own greatness and the greatness that is within others. When we are truly thriving, we are both connected to the earth and to our divine self. There is a continual flow between our divinity and the earth. We flow effortlessly out […]
Do you yearn for a deep heart connection with another soul, or even with your beloved? This is common when we are single, but even when we are in a loving relationship there can be a yearning for a deeper heart connection; for the bliss that love can bring. But it takes time to get […]