4 Avenues to the Roadmap of your Dreams
With the New Year just a couple of days away, I have some questions for you to ask yourself that may help you decide what it is you would like to create next year.
How much do you want to feel truly alive and in love with life?
How much do you want to be connected to your wisdom?
To feel you are walking your truth, however simple that may be?
How much would you like to feel full of vitality?
Would you like more love in your life, more deep connections?
What is your greatest dream?
How much do you want to feel the joy of creating happiness and a difference in other people’s lives?
Or the tiredness from a day lived well?
To live the joys and challenges that are rewarding and fulfilling?
To know that the step you took today was the right step for you?
To know the rest you took today was perfect?
To feel healed?
How much do you want to feel at peace?
To feel more present?
To feel more connected with nature?
To feel more abundant?
We all have the ability to learn how to tune in to our wisdom and know the answers to how to feel and create these things. But often we don’t.
We have an enormous inertia against growth, even though we want it so much. It is easier to live on default with a distant yearning for the above, but to have enough comforts to keep it as a distant cry.

Looking For Lions – Dawn Meader
Walk out of the inertia and start the ball rolling. Soon it will carry you. Be bothered. You are a most incredible divine, beautiful and intelligent being. Most of us are only living a fraction of the joy that is possible for us. You can access that joy.
If you want to make the shift, start off by becoming aware of where you put your attention for most of your time. Think about it….
Where are you putting your intention at the beginning of each day and before you go to sleep at night? What do you fill your mind with? Do you choose to feed love or anger? Do you keep fueling your dreams with your thoughts and actions?
What do you want? I know it takes tremendous courage to live your truth. I am constantly challenged by this.
When I am true to myself I know each step along the way is perfect, and every pothole I find myself in is trying to teach me something.
What holds us back from living our truth?
If I want to really manifest something and go for it, I know I need to shift core beliefs to bring it in. I also need to develop new habits to bring it into being in a sustainable way. The shifting of beliefs and the creation of these habits go hand in hand.
Habits can keep us stuck in an old paradigm, or they can help us move towards our truth.
Here are four habits to create a roadmap that can lead you to your dreams. These are the ones I have constantly come back to over the last 30 years. Over time I have noticed that more and more people use them as a backbone to being connected to their joy, and an ally in stressful times.
Habit 1
I meditate every morning for 20 minutes or so.
It opens my heart to wisdom, truth, peace and love, and clears away negative energy. It helps me master my mind. This connects me to my guidance for how to do everything else, including the habits below. (Part of my meditation practice is to sing this sound to connect me with my creativity and divine love)
Habit 2
I usually eat unprocessed nutrient-dense whole foods.
My emotions are affected when I eat sugar and junk. This derails my inner guidance, and muddies my roadmap. It can be hard to know what is a genuine emotion or what is just toxic food or lack of nutrients causing mood swings, fatigue or depression.
Eating like this gives me vitality, happy hormones, a clear brain and better sleep.
Habit 3
Exercise daily for at least half an hour.
We all know the benefits of exercise. It fills me with vitality, strength and happy and youthful hormones. However, it is very challenging for me to keep this one up, especially when I travel, but I love it when I do.
Habit 4
Do that which you are most passionate about for at least one hour a day.
This habit is my most challenging, with the myriad of all of life’s demands. However, for me it is probably the most essential as it is my Life Purpose. If finding the time or motivation for this is your challenge too, read ‘The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. He speaks of all the reasons we self-sabotage ourselves. It is an easy read, filled with pearls of wisdom.
My habit 4: Paint 5 days a week, for at least 4 hours a day. It feeds everything else in my life.
If you would like some more inspiration to start the New Year with passion, positive habits and intentions, I highly recommend the novel ‘The Monk who sold His Ferrari“ by Robin Sharma.